

关于LBMA认真任白银质料采购声明 Declaration for Procurement of LBMA Responsible Silver Raw Materials

时间:2024-04-24 浏览:533次
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Declaration for Procurement of LBMA Responsible Silver Raw Materials



As a member of LBMA Silver, MINSHAN  ENVIRONMENTAL ENERGY HIGH TECH CO., LTD. strictly adheres to the requirements of the LBMA Responsible Silver Guidelines, establishes a management system, appoints an investigation team, conducts due diligence on the supply chain, and establishes a supply chain traceability system.


We will conduct risk evaluation for the supply chain according to the due diligence results and will not cooperate with any supply chain involved with the following behaviors:

1. 人权侵占行为,包括使用童工、酷刑、非人性以及侮辱人格看待方法、普遍的使用暴力或其他严重反人权强迫劳动、战争罪、反人类罪或种族灭绝罪;

1. The supply chain is involved with human right violations, including child labor, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, extensive violence or other serious violations of human rights, forced labor, war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide;

2. 向不法武装组织或向通过供应链不法控制矿区、生意商、其他中介机构、运输线路的公共或私人清静步队提供直接或间接支持,或在整个供应链内不法征税或诓骗钱财或矿产品(“不法武装组织、公共或私人清静步队”);

2. The supply chain provides direct or indirect support for illegal armed organizations or public or private security forces that illegally control mining areas, traders, other intermediaries and transportation routes, or illegally collects taxes or extorts money or mineral products (“illegal armed organizations, public or private security forces”);

3. 通过行贿或诓骗掩饰白银原产地;

3. The supply chain covers up the origin of silver by bribery or fraud;

4. 为遵照政府有关来自受冲突及高危害区域的矿产品的提取、商业及出口税费要求;

4. The supply chain fails to comply with the government’s requirements on the extraction, trading and export taxes and fees of mineral products from conflict-affected and high-risk areas;

5. 洗钱或恐怖主义融资;

5. The supply chain is involved with money laundering or terrorist financing;

6. 资助冲突;

6. The supply chain is involved with financing conflict;

7. 从事高危害谋划营业,例如武器、赌博、骨董和艺术品、教派和其向导人;

7. The supply chain is engaged in high-risk businesses, such as weapons, gambling, antiques and works of art, sects and their leaders.

8. 受益人是政治敏感人物或通缉职员;

8. The beneficiary is a politically sensitive person or wanted person;

9. 不切合环保和可一连生长的正当要求。

9. The supply chain does not conform to legal requirements of environmental

protection and sustainable development.



   It is hereby declared!



                                   MINSHAN  ENVIRONMENTAL ENERGY HIGH TECH CO., LTD.


                                     March 11, 2024 








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